It is said that, “Girls with dreams become women of vision”.
As we wrap up our 7th year on the farm and push forward to 2020 with exciting new things happening, we are looking back to remember all of the things we have learned from our life on this farm.
We took a chance back in 2012 to make a huge lifestyle shift when we bought our farm and truth be told, we never looked back…until today. And we are ‘looking back’ in the spirit of reflection of the very best kind. Focusing on and digesting all of the knowledge and growth this farm and lifestyle has brought into our lives. Shaping and changing our family, all for the better.
My dream to raise our family on a farm has blossomed into reality and over the past 7 years we renovated our home and barn, revived our 10 acres of land and fostered the growth of countless animals including our chickens, horses, dogs, birds and many more. This process has been a winding road and along the way we have learned so many important lessons, big and small, and we continue to learn more with each and every day that comes.
Here is a list of some things we learned or experienced because of life on this farm...
A lot of the things we have learned on our farm are practical skills and hands-on work. But one of the most important lessons of all is that our family has learned to be responsible about living beings. This knowledge is so important and has taught us that these animals are completely dependent on us and that we have the responsibility to properly care for them.
Looking back on the images of our farm when we bought it, in comparison to how it is today is quite an eye opener of all the blood, sweat and tears we’ve put into our home. As well as a reminder of all the things we’ve learned along the journey. Here are some of our most dramatic before & afters of our home...