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Made With Love

Made With Love

One of our own personal mantras here at Blue Stallion Farm is to surround yourself with things you love. When it comes to our home, this is exactly what we thrive to do.

My husband, Jimmie, has recently taken up a new skill of woodworking. He creates incredible, artistic pieces that we get to display throughout the house. Jimmie only uses wood from trees that have already fallen or are in line to be discarded. In a way he is saving these trees and giving them a new life when they would have just otherwise gone to waste.

Jimmie puts so much work and love into his pieces and it is a fabulous outlet for his creativity. Inspiration strikes as he turns the pieces and they speak to him about what shape they will become. He can start a new piece and not have any idea of what it will look like until he's done.

These pieces that are made with love have become part of our home and decor. They are an extension of Jimmie and fill our home with warm thoughts and feelings, putting smiles on our faces when we use them.

During these unprecedented times when we are staying home more than ever before surrounding yourself with things you love is such an important piece in keeping ourselves content, calm and optimistic.

How do you surround yourself with things you love?