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Shana’s Bedroom Makeover

Shana’s Bedroom Makeover
When Shana was 16 years old we decided that it was time to give her bedroom a makeover. Originally this was just a small room in the back of our house next to the laundry room. Our home is modest in size so when we first moved in all the girls were sharing one room. That's three girls in one room. I'm sure you can imagine the ups and downs we had there but all in all they really did have fun together. Being the oldest of the three, Shana needed to have her own space so we had her move out of the shared room and into this room of her own. We went from a large house where each of the kids had their own bedroom and bathroom to a much tinier house where they shared both. In exchange for the space inside we gained all of the farmland outside which has tons of space throughout the property where you can go for privacy if needed.
Once we had Shana move into this room we did the best we could to make it special and unique; a space she could feel happy and comfortable in. I had some flower wallpaper that we put up on one wall. We moved her antique bed frame from the shared room to this one and complimented it with an antique door desk that we found at a local antique store and added a glass top for her workspace. Shana liked this so much that she kept it in her new room after the makeover.
When Shana got a little older it was time to create a space that reflected her style which was growing and changing. She wanted it to be more calm with a lot of natural elements. The curtains on the closet of the old room were always a favorite of ours and are still the curtains she uses for her closet today. There was a lack of storage space in the room so we raised the bed and made extra storage underneath. The doors open up to some shelving where she keeps her riding clothes in one section and some desk supplies and files in the other. Her bed is also perfectly set up to be a nice little reading nook. The shelf above it has a light bulb in it that is her reading light. This way she does not have to worry about climbing down and out of bed to turn off the lights. When she is done with her book she can put it right on top of the shelf which doubles as her nightstand saving even more floor space.
This makeover was such a fun project that we were able to work on together. Shana loved styling the space with all of her collectibles...fixing her shelves, setting up a wall calendar and pin board, organizing books, etc. I set up a Pinterest board with our ideas and Curt and Annie made it happen. Making the most out of a tiny space was the biggest challenge as the room is the size of a tiny dorm room but because she is the first out at the barn with early rides (sometimes at 5am!) she likes to be near that back exit door. Once we figured out how to navigate around the space issue we had so much fun picking the colors and materials for all of the details.
Overall, this project wasn’t just a bedroom make over, it was more the challenge of how to get a teenager comfortable in a tiny space and give her more storage and organization, while giving her a little corner of the house to call her own. A few years later and we are now currently working on building Shana a loft on top of the barn. She wants to 'move out' and live with the horses! Misha will be next in line to move into this bedroom and so the cycle goes on!



The closet curtains that inspired the whole space!: