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Laundry Room Makeover

Laundry Room Makeover
After living in our house for a few years we decided it was time to update our laundry-mudroom. Believe it or not, this little space serves a pretty big purpose in our daily lives. There is a door in there that goes out to the garage which has another doorway that leads right outside. Because of this, it’s one of the most heavily trafficked rooms, especially because it leads right into the kitchen. We all go in and out this way multiple times during the day, as well as the dogs. We store the chicken’s eggs here, have an extra refrigerator in here that needs daily access, the dogs are fed here, muddy shoes get thrown here, the laundry of course is done here, our pantry lives here…the list goes on and on.
However, the heavy use of this room meant that the makeover couldn’t be too invasive. The existing flooring was neutral and not a priority so we worked with it. Being the common journey into the home we needed the space to be functional as well as cute but also seamlessly transition into the kitchen. It was quite drab and nothing special so we decided to spruce up the space so it would flow with the rest of the house.
Our good friends, Curtis and Ani, whom have helped with so many of the renovations in our home, also helped us in this space. We love their work and they really understand our artistic vision and bring it to life. Next to the washer and dryer Curtis created a copper faucet by hand and customized a sink cabinet below for the littler box. It’s a perfect spot to keep the litter because it’s basically hidden and out of the way of any traffic. The cat has constant access to the litter box and we don’t have to worry about it!


Curtis also upcycled old gate doors to create the barn style table that we use to fold our laundry on. Another functional upcycled piece that looks great is the old ladder that was given a new coat of paint and hung from the ceiling for air-drying laundry. Curtis redid all of the upper cabinetry by replacing the doors and keeping the rest. He painted in between to update the older, dark wood. On the wall with the refrigerator and folding table I wanted open shelving so I could store items in all of the pretty baskets that we collect. I love being able to look at the things that bring me inspiration on a daily basis!
Lastly, we replaced the washer and dryer with new, more efficient models. On the wall next to them is a built-in, wall-mounted ironing board. I loved how unique and functional this was so we decided to keep it. Now anytime we need to iron, we just pull it right out of the wall to use it.
Our humble little laundry-mudroom got the makeover it deserved and we love how it looks. Everything we did was cosmetic, nothing structural and we tried to use repurposed materials anywhere we could. One of my favorite things about this space is that we didn’t have to sacrifice style for functionality- we blended the two perfectly.