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Our Feature in Country Living Magazine!

Our Feature in Country Living Magazine!
We are so excited to share that our home + family is featured in the June issue of Country Living Magazine! It is such an honor to be featured in this publication as we've been big fans and readers for so long. It's very rewarding to see life on Blue Stallion translated in photographs and in the pages of the magazine. This 10 page spread shares our home here at Blue Stallion Farm as well as the barn, the garden, the chicken coop and our family.
The story was shot back in January and we ended up having great weather over the two day shoot. It took a bit of prep work to make sure everything was organized, cleaned and ready to go for when the crew arrived. Once they're here and start working they go through their schedule and shot list space by space. The photographer frames up the shot and the stylist starts putting all the pieces into place to make the perfect (or sometimes perfectly imperfect!) image. They work with all of our existing furniture pieces, linens and collected items throughout the home to style the shots in a very personal fashion that translates how we live life everyday in our home.
Our animals are such a huge part of our life here on the farm that we included them in almost all of the images. It may look effortless in the shots but wrangling chickens, horses and dogs is no easy feat and sometimes it takes a village to get them in the right spot and looking good for the camera! For example, we brought Melman, our mini horse into the kitchen...
Melman is stealing the spot light here in this shot. He knows there are treats in the kitchen but getting this to happen on Q is another story!

Here are some more images that made it into the magazine where we did some animal wrangling for the shots...

Some outtakes...

There are also a handful of shots that didn't make it to publication but we still love them and are excited that we get to share them here. You get the insider scoop!
Here's Halo in our other barn area with a bunch of our horse competition ribbons that are very special to us:
A shot of our front porch with one of the chickens hanging out:
An additional shot of me working in the garden with Gertrude by my side:

Our Family...

Here is our family portrait for the shoot. We got all cleaned up! Usually it's work clothes, horse snot on shirts, saw dust on hair, sweat, and dirty hands...real life on the farm.

Something that surprised us...

When I picked up a copy of the magazine I was so surprised to see that they chose our image of Misha collecting eggs in the chicken coop to be the Table of Contents image. What a nice little surprise!

Behind the Scenes...

And lastly, we wanted to share some fun behind the scenes shots from the shoot days.
Melman getting a snack after modeling for the shot:
Bringing one of the hens over for the shot:
Flowers being arranged for the table:
Watson, patiently and intently watching us get our portrait taken:
Pepper napping from all the excitement of being in this shot:
Watson taking over as the photographer!:
We hope that you enjoy the feature and will be able to pick up a copy of Country Living to read the story!