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Love Notes From Quarantine

Love Notes From Quarantine

These challenging times have shown us the fragility of our material world. They invite us to hold a different perspective on what is important in life and they remind us to look inward. It’s safe to say that during this time, when we are all stuck inside our homes with our families, we are thinking more than ever about the partners we have chosen to navigate this life with. For Jimmie and I, this quarantine time has slowed our pace and shed a light on our love.

Where there is love, there is strength and in unprecedented times like these

we need each other to lean on to build that strength even more.

This extra time has allowed us to reflect on our love and relationship. We’ve been able to slow down and be fully present.
Marriage is a true partnership and it takes hard work and commitment. To love someone fully you need to have vulnerability and feeling vulnerable on your own can be scary. But if you are a true team, this vulnerability tears down walls and opens new doors for deeper love.

How has this quarantine time made you appreciate and reflect on your partnership?