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Kale Waldorf Salad

Kale Waldorf Salad
Last winter we decided to plant kale in our garden. It did so well that we ended up with more kale than we knew what to do with! We added kale to soups and salads for weeks. And we even made gift baskets with it for when we visited family- kale was everywhere! I was constantly researching kale recipes and finding new ways to incorporate it into dishes. Out of all the recipes we tried, our favorite ended up being a Kale Waldorf Salad and it quickly became a signature at our home.
Once we fell in love with the salad I was determined to perfect the recipe. I tried different variations, making tweaks here and there to come up with the perfect Kale Waldorf Salad. Instead of grapes we use cranberries and we added freshly squeezed orange juice to the dressing for a tangier yet sweeter taste. This salad is great as a side dish but you can also make it a main dish by adding grilled fish or chicken.
Here in Florida we plant our garden now, in the fall, so we have fresh Kale all throughout the fall and winter months. This makes it the perfect season to serve our favorite farm to table salad!

Kale growing in our garden

Serving the salad at a family picnic